Looking for the flag images of Canada? Presenting you the latest and best Canada flag pictures that you can use for different purposes. Show your patriotism or participate in a flag competition using the new Canadian flag photos. The flag of Canada is a combination of 2 vertical rectangles and a white square in between them. At the center of the flag, a red leaf with 11 points is there. Check out the pictures of this flag in different styles and layouts.
Canada Flag Images in HD
Latest Canada Flag Pictures
What is the name of the leaf in the Canadian Flag?
The name of the leaf in the Canadian flag is “Maple Leaf“. It is a leaf of the Maple tree which belongs to the genus Acer. One can easily recognize this leaf with its unique design and pointed ends. Maple leaves are available in green, orange, yellow, and red colors.
When was the flag of Canada adopted?
The national flag of Canada was adopted on 15 February 1965. The date is celebrated as the National Flag Day of Canada every year. Canadian George Stanley, the historian, public servant, author, soldier, and teacher designed the flag of the nation.
So these are the Canada flag images that you can download as many times as you want. You may also want to save the USA flag images that we previously shared with you. For more images, visit the other pages of this website.
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